
Favorites, represented by the star icon at the top right of the page, helps you quickly access items you use frequently.

To create a favorite, click the star symbol at the top right of the page (to the left of your name). From the drop-down menu, click Add This Page To Favorites.
To delete an existing favorite, click the star symbol at the top right of the page (to the left of your name). From the drop-down menu, mouse over the item you wish to delete and click the "x" symbol.
To rename an existing favorite, click the star symbol at the top right of the page (to the left of your name). From the drop-down menu, hover the cursor over the item you wish to delete and click RENAME. Enter the revised name and press the enter key.
Favorites are particularly useful for:
Bookmarking a particular folder or file, especially within deep folder structures
Returning to a frequent view of Projects
Accessing your timesheet, To-Do List or other often-viewed reports
Creating quick shortcuts for clients or colleagues (log in as them and bookmark certain pages)
Remembering a specific set of filters for a page
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